+49 6122 7071-0 support@kpc.de https://kundencenter.kpc.de/
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Your trust is our strength

Our customers

Passion for innovation. Since 1985.

Partnership at eye level

More than 3,500 customers from all industries rely on our 39 years of experience. With many customers, a partnership-based cooperation has developed over the years.

Whether managed services or project implementation, virtualization, high availability, data center relocation or IT infrastructure modernization – we develop the right concepts.

Individually tailored to you and your needs.

Best IT service provider

Foto Kunde KPC
Your satisfaction is our pride

Top ratings from our customers

A high level of customer satisfaction is the driving force behind our daily work. That is why we conduct regular surveys.
We see this as a great opportunity to further improve our excellent service. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers who participated in our 2023 online survey.

The average rating of our customer reviews from the current customer survey:
Rating 1.1: Evaluation of fault management from call feedback
Rating 1.2: Satisfaction with maintenance service
Rating 1.4: Satisfaction with customer service
Foto Kundenumfrage
Successful together

These customers trust in our service

Real experiences

Voices of our customers

Be inspired by honest feedback and discover how we can achieve great things together.

"The standard software we use makes us faster and more flexible and facilitates our work process. Rather, we can profit from direct competitive advantages through cost savings in the area of hardware maintenance and software maintenance".

DAW Design-, Anzeigen- und Werbeagentur GmbH, Stefan Winter, IT Manager

"Smooth IT operations are extremely important for our division. Above all, we need a competent and reliable maintenance partner. We have found this partner with K&P Computer."

Stadtwerke GmbH Bad Kreuznach, Günter Ingebrand, Head of Data Processing Department

"After almost 10 years of working together as partners, of the many positive aspects I appreciate most is the solution-oriented cooperation, in which so far there have always been very good solutions, even for difficult, sometimes very individual requirements."

Christian Kraus, Division Manager Purchasing and Technology, Infokom GmbH

"K&P keeps promises that some manufacturers have not kept! TOP!"

EXPERT Österreich e.Gen., Dietmar Finzinger, IT Administrator

» Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der Zusammenarbeit. Wir fühlen uns jederzeit bestens beraten und schätzen vor allem die hohe Zuverlässigkeit sowie die schnelle und kompetente Umsetzung bei Vor-Ort-Installationen. «

André Bollmann, Labor Lademannbogen MVZ GmbH, Hamburg

Our team is here to assist you.
Please feel free to contact us.
Dirk Köhler, CEO

Your contact person

Dirk Köhler


For every technical challenge, there is a clever solution - let us advise you and find the optimal way forward.

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