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Service und Sicherheit Team
Maximum data security

IT security

Customized IT security solutions
For more security

IT security

Contact our IT security team for a customized solution!

IT security is essential to ensure that your data and network are protected from attacks. There are many ways to improve your IT security, including firewalls, encryption, password policies, and regular security updates. Training your employees is also important to ensure that they are aware of the latest security policies and procedures and apply them correctly. Regularly scanning and monitoring your network and systems is also important so that you can respond quickly to potential threats. If you are unsure about how to improve your IT security, we encourage you to contact us. Our IT security experts can advise and assist you in implementing security measures to protect your business from data loss, identity theft, and other potential threats.

Everything from a single source

Which solution can we assist you with?

Business Continuity Management

Disaster Recovery Manual
Security Concept

Backup Services

Cloud Backup
DR Site
Recovery Test

KPC MEDAC – Mobile Emergency Datacenter

Immediate on-site assistance in the event of a cyberattack
K&P hardware + forensics + IT service + cloud services

Incident Response Services

Forensic Investigations



Monitoring Solutions

checkmk + K&P checks for IBMi, AIX, HMC

Security Checks

Active Directory Hardening
Firewall Check
Network Check
Vulnerability Assessment
System Communication Analysis


What is IT security?

IT security, also known as information security, refers to measures and technologies that serve to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and IT systems. The aim is to protect data from unauthorized access, manipulation or destruction.

Why is IT security important?

IT security is crucial to protect companies from cyberattacks, data loss, operational downtime and reputational damage.
Without appropriate security measures, sensitive data can be stolen, systems compromised and business operations significantly impaired.

What are the most common threats in IT security?

The most common threats include:

  • Malware: Malicious software that can infect systems and steal or damage data.
  • Phishing: Attempts to obtain confidential information through fake emails or websites.
  • Ransomware: Malware that encrypts data and demands a ransom to release it again.
  • DDoS attacks: Attacks that overload systems with a flood of requests, rendering them unusable.
  • Insider threats: Risks emanating from employees or other persons who have access to the systems.

What is the difference between IT security and cybersecurity?

IT security is a broader term that covers all aspects of information security, including physical and technical protection measures. Cybersecurity is a sub-area of IT security and focuses specifically on protection against cyberattacks and threats in the digital space.

What measures can be taken to improve IT security?

The most important measures include

  • Firewalls and antivirus software: protection against external threats.
  • Encryption: Protection of data through encryption, both in storage and during transmission.
  • Access controls: Restricting access to systems and data to authorized persons.
  • Security updates and patch management: Regular updating of software and systems to close known security gaps.
  • Training: Raising employee awareness of security policies and best practice.

What is the NIS 2 Directive and what does it mean for companies?

The NIS 2 Directive (Network and Information Security) is an EU regulation that tightens cyber security requirements for companies and public institutions. It extends the scope of the original NIS Directive and lays down stricter security measures and reporting obligations in the event of cyber incidents. Companies must now implement comprehensive security measures and submit regular reports. The directive aims to increase the resilience of critical infrastructure against cyber threats in the EU. Companies that do not meet the requirements face severe penalties.

What is a security incident and how should you respond?

A security incident is an event that jeopardizes the security of an IT system, such as a successful cyberattack or data loss.
In the event of an incident, a company should immediately activate an emergency plan to limit the damage, analyze the incident, fix the problem and restore the affected systems.

With KPC MEDAC (Mobile Emergency DataCenter), K&P offers fast and comprehensive support in the event of a cyber attack.
The mobile cyber service goes beyond standard protective measures, with the experienced K&P cyber team handling both technical and legal aspects of an attack. Further information can be found on the KPC MEDAC website.

What are common IT security standards and certifications?

The most important standards include

  • ISO/IEC 27001: An internationally recognized standard for information security management systems.
  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework: A framework for improving cybersecurity in organizations.
  • PCI-DSS: A standard for the protection of credit card data.
  • GDPR (DSGVO): European General Data Protection Regulation, which sets requirements for the protection of personal data.

How do I protect my company from insider threats?

Measures to protect against insider threats:

  • Strict access controls: Minimize access to sensitive data.
  • Monitoring and logging: Regular checking of user activities.
  • Training courses: Sensitize employees to the dangers of insider threats.
  • Security guidelines: Clear guidelines for handling company data

What is endpoint security?

Endpoint security refers to the protection of individual end devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets against threats.
This includes measures such as antivirus software, encryption and the management of security policies on these devices.

What are the best practices for password security?

The best practices include:

  • Strong passwords: Use complex, long passwords with a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters.
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA): Additional security level in addition to the password.
  • Regular password changes: Regular updating of passwords.
  • Use of a password manager: Secure management and storage of passwords.

How can you set up a secure network?

A secure network is protected by several layers of security measures, including:

  • Firewalls: Control of incoming and outgoing data traffic.
  • VPNs: Secure remote access to the company network.
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS): Detection and prevention of intrusion attempts.
  • Network segmentation: Separation of sensitive areas of the network to minimize the impact of an attack.

What is Zero Trust and how does it work?

Zero Trust is a security concept that assumes that no user or device, regardless of whether it is inside or outside the company network, is automatically trustworthy. All access must be continuously checked and access to resources is only granted based on strict authentication and authorization mechanisms.

We are here for you.
Please feel free to contact us.
Rainer Waiblinger, CTO

Your contact person

Rainer Waiblinger


For every technical challenge, there is a clever solution - let us advise you and find the optimal way forward.

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