
Every three years, the Wiesbaden-based IT company K&P Computer Service- und Vertriebs-GmbH conducts a comprehensive survey to measure the satisfaction of its customers. The latest survey confirms that the service company provides a very high quality of service and a very high level of technical expertise. The overall result is an average score of 1.4.

The technical know-how and efficiency in processing – including call acceptance, fault management and troubleshooting – are rated as very positive with an average score of 1.2. K&P Computer also achieved very good ratings in specific areas, such as advice from the sales department, the quality of quotation and contract documents and telephone customer support, with an average score of 1.4 to 1.6.

K&P Quality Manager Andrea Todt is extremely pleased with the positive feedback: “The survey is an integral part of our quality management. The results are a clear indicator that our commitment to excellence in service and support is recognized and appreciated by our customers. We would like to thank all customers who took the time to participate in our survey. Your feedback is very valuable to us. This is the only way we can constantly improve and continue to meet or even exceed our customers’ needs.”

In recognition of their participation in the survey, K&P Computer is donating a total of €1,000 to three local charitable organizations, including VBW’s work with senior citizens in Klarenthal, Albatros e.V., which supports parents of (non-)disabled children, and Heilsarmee Wiesbaden, which helps homeless people.


Do you have any questions or need technical information? Please do not hesitate to contact us.


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